Prevent or Cure

A well-known proverb is “prevention is better than cure.” Did you know that our diet plays a VERY large role in preventing disease? Therefore, my motto is “let food be your medicine” and not the other way around, “medicine be your food.”

Dwell on this point for a moment: your body is not sick because your body is deficient in a particular drug. Your body is sick precisely because it has an excess of toxins that the body can no longer process. Let us assume that you are born with a perfect body, in which all organs are present to perform their specific function optimally. Your body does this by using the nutrients, exercise and information offered to your body on a daily basis. Any information (exercise, nutrition, emotion) should be a good and constructive stimulus. If the information is not good, or if your body is unable to process it, then symptoms may arise. Each organ in your body is made up of millions of cells with specific functions. These functions can only be disrupted if the stimuli administered or received are improper, incorrect or unhealthy. An organ does not just get sick and an organ does not suddenly start functioning differently. There is always a cause for the malfunctioning of an organ or body part. Feeding your body well through healthy eating, exercise and the right emotions will keep you healthy. The longer you can go without medication the better it is for your body. Of course, we don’t always escape this.


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.