Don’t let abdominal pain and PDS control your life anymore!

Abdominal pain: almost everyone suffers from this from time to time. Often it is transient and the discomfort disappears after a few days. However, there is also a large group of people whose lives are dominated by abdominal pain and intestinal discomfort. This can range from diarrhea or constipation to continuous pain, blood in the stool and sometimes having to make the trip to the toilet 20 to 25 times in a day. Such chronic bowel problems greatly affect your quality of life.

Abdominal pain

Intestinal discomfort is a common problem. Many of my clients have already had a long road in mainstream health care. In many cases, “irritable bowel syndrome” (PDS) is the diagnosis and the patient is sent home with medication and/or the advice to follow a FODMAP-restricted diet. This involves omitting a number of products from the diet for a minimum of six weeks. And they have to make do with that. However, once they stop the diet, the symptoms almost always return, because the cause has not yet been addressed….

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Other chronic intestinal diseases include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Together, these are the most common chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. They both fall into the category of autoimmune diseases. Crohn’s disease generally manifests at the transition from the small intestine to the large intestine, but can occur at other sites in the intestinal tract. Ulcerative colitis involves chronic, regularly recurring inflammation of the colon. In a large proportion of these patients, mainstream health care services install a stoma as a last resort.

Analysis and personal plan

Other chronic intestinal diseases include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Together, these are the most common chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. They both fall into the category of autoimmune diseases. Crohn’s disease generally manifests at the transition from the small intestine to the large intestine, but can also occur at other sites in the intestinal tract. Ulcerative colitis involves chronic, regularly recurring inflammation of the colon. In a large proportion of these patients, mainstream health care services install a stoma as a last resort.

Looking for the causes: measuring is knowing

To find out the cause of the disease, we do specialized laboratory tests of blood and stool. This involves analyzing pathogenic factors such as parasites, fungi, viruses, bacteria and food intolerances. With food intolerances, gluten and dairy are often the culprits. With such a stool test, we create a blueprint of the intestinal flora, so to speak. That blueprint forms the starting point of the personalized treatment plan. BodySwitch Heemskerk specializes in treating irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis naturally.

Personalized treatment plan: the basis for a stable situation

Based on all the information from the comprehensive intake and laboratory tests, we create a personalized treatment plan. With proper nutrition and the use of specialized and targeted nutritional supplements, infections are addressed, nutritional deficiencies replenished and inflammation calmed. Sometimes a person has been ill for many years and a lot of damage has been done in the intestines through scarring and surgery. Unfortunately, that damage cannot be repaired, but we can create a stable situation that gives back a great deal of quality of life. Someone who had to go to the toilet 20 to 25 times a day can finally get out the door again. Also, in most cases, this new lifestyle can avert the threat of stoma placement. Often the prescribed medication can be reduced or even stopped in consultation with the doctor.

Is it hereditary? Or is it environmental factors?

Irritable bowel and autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative collitis are not inherited in themselves. However, the causative factors, such as a dietary intolerance to gluten for dairy/lactose, for example, do. This is why such diseases may be more common in certain families. Often the patient is not aware of this, because it has not yet been diagnosed (properly). Scientific developments within epi-genetics are rapidly following one another. We are becoming increasingly aware of the effects of environmental factors that affect our health and thus these disease states. We can now see that many of our diseases are caused by these environmental factors. Even common nutrients, as well as toxins and stress, can alter the expression of genes and make us healthy or sick. Are you interested in the options for getting rid of your abdominal or bowel problems? If so, please contact Frank Jonkers.

Address bar:
Bodyswitch Heemskerk
Rijksstraatweg 55
1969 LC Heemskerk

About the company:
At Bodyswitch Heemskerk you have come to the right place to get healthy and fit. The practice helps with a variety of complaints: gut symptoms, chronic fatigue, thyroid disorders, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders.


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.