Losing weight in a healthy way: where do I start?

A healthy weight and good health are the result of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and proper nutrition are the basis for this.
But how do you start with this?

Losing weight starts with carbohydrate restricted eating where you need to pay attention to the right carbs. Do not eat sugar and sugary products. Also no bread, pastas , crackers and other quick carbohydrate sources. The trick is in emptying the glycogen stores (muscles and liver) to burn fats.

And to empty those stores of glycogen, you need to exercise sufficiently and with sufficient intensity. Exercise involving moderate-intensity and sometimes more intense exercise over an extended period of time (e.g., walking min 60 min, cycling, rowing, running). Preferably regularly on an empty stomach, that is, before your breakfast. Only then will you lose weight properly…..

Be sure to eat a sufficient variety of foods and get the right nutrients. Don’t fall into the marketing pitfalls of meal replacements. Those really don’t make you stay at a healthy, healthy weight in the long run. Eat only foods as you would find them in nature.
Bread and milk, for example, are not among them. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, water, are the first primary foods. Everything else was invented by industry. Not with the goal of keeping you healthy and fit. Nutrition from nature does not need marketing. If you stick to the basics with exercise and proper basic nutrition, losing weight and the yo-yo system is a thing of the past.

From experience, I know that losing weight is not about following a temporary diet or following a quick waste method. Of course, that is often what we are looking for.

Best of luck with your healthy goals!

Frank Jonkers


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.