BodySwitch diabetes and obesity lifestyle plan

Frank Jonkers developed a special Diabetes lifestyle plan that aims to control blood glucose, increase the body’s insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of complications such as inflammation and cardiovascular disease. Of course, the differences between Type 2 Diabetes (almost always lifestyle related!) and Type 1 Diabetes (hereditary) are taken into account.

The plan is also very suitable for the immediate control of Obesity which can prevent, for example, a gastric band (with many negative aspects). Also, many people have already had their gastric band “deflated” or removed and feel many times healthier than before. They have regained self-confidence and health. They are again directors of their own health. Did you know that gastric banding or gastric bypass seriously disrupts metabolism, leaving you severely deficient in very important nutrients?

By the way, did you know that most people who have been (very) overweight for a long time are in the preliminary stage of Diabetes? Increased blood triglyceride levels, elevated fasting blood glucose, excess waist circumference, high blood pressure are the main symptoms. This is also known as the “metabolic syndrome.” The metabolism is already disturbed by then.

The BodySwitch Diabetes and Obesity lifestyle plan, a plan for life
The plan is based on exercise, nutrition, nutritional supplementation, coaching and imparting the right necessary knowledge to you and is fully scientifically based. This sophisticated plan, customized specifically for you, ensures that many symptoms often due to Diabetes, can diminish or even disappear. By combining all of these equally important components, great results can be achieved. Results that often leave many (family) physicians puzzled. That is not “rocket science” but that is the operation according to nature. Medication can be tapered in many cases in consultation with the physician or (greatly) reduced. And that is in the interest of your health. Optimal coaching and knowledge transfer ensure that you are able to stay in control afterwards and prevent relapse. You can also read more about this in my book “Core Healthy – Lifestyle as Medicine for Western Diseases.”

Benefits of the Diabetes and Obesity Lifestyle Plan
The great advantage to tackling Diabetes in this way is that you do not end up in a downward spiral or can reduce this risk. Chances are, in addition to Diabetes, you may develop further complications and symptoms of the eyes, cardiovascular system and infections of your legs, among others. After all, you are not solving the underlying problem and root cause. Having the illusion that a pill, syringe or pump will solve everything for you without actively participating yourself is a dream. Although we do like to believe that dream in most cases and many people resign themselves to this “fate.”

The plan may allow you to start taking no, or (much) less, medication. This is always in consultation with your doctor and only if you decide to do so yourself and want to remain in control of your health.

Preventing and breaking the downward spiral and nutritional deficiencies
The more medication you take, the more difficult losing weight often becomes. Insulin is a growth factor, and too much insulin production or use causes weight gain and an increase in further symptoms and signs. Medication usually causes you to have (severe) nutritional deficiencies because the medication causes important nutrients to be greatly reduced in absorption. Therefore, malnutrition of key nutrients, which can lead you to further complications, is common. The BodySwitch Diabetes and Obesity lifestyle plan breaks this downward spiral. You yourself can often play a much larger role in this than you may have previously thought.

Results are fully measurable
As mentioned earlier, many (family) doctors are often puzzled. All the steps you take have no adverse effects on your health. They actually strengthen your health. However, it is important to always do these steps in consultation with your physician. But often your primary care physician has little or no familiarity with the matter. So don’t be surprised by that. But then notify them and ask that they take note of it for your sake. Always I am willing to provide more information to the physician in question if desired and in the best interest of you as a patient. The question, however, is whether your doctor wants this. All results are fully measurable. If you already have Diabetes or other symptoms you are usually under control and get periodic monitoring of fasting glucose, HbA1c, HDL and LDL cholesterol and Triglycerides, among others. If you adhere to the customized plan, you will find that these values often improve quickly and medication can be reduced by mutual agreement in most cases.

The BodySwitch Diabetes and Obesity lifestyle plan also in my book Core Healthy.

The plan is scientifically based and is part of my book Core Healthy.

So a start can be made right now by yourself. And do you need help? If so, I can always help you.

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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.