When we are about 75 years old, we will have processed about 30,000 pounds of food and about 40,000 liters of liquid.

Of course, that’s a huge amount when we see this all together!

Our bodies have to process all this. Our stomach, liver, kidneys and intestines play a big role in this. A German doctor once told me “der Tod sitzt im Darm!”

More or less true, of course, when we see the figures above. An increasing number of people are also struggling with colon cancer. Not surprising when we often also see people eating a lot of fast food and junk food. About 50% of the population is way overweight. This is not from the many fruits and vegetables eaten.

Core Health
In my book Core Healthy, I show figures showing the dramatic decline in intake. Especially also by children.

Our gut and digestive system is a genius factory that processes, or in the case of poor nutrition, attempts to process coarse foods into useful nutrients for our bodies.

When our intestines are overloaded with bad, pathogenic food, we get all kinds of intestinal complaints and problems. Major culprits can be dairy products, bread (gluten) and fast foods. As well as drinking alcohol.

Intestines contain about 1.5 pounds of critters! We have both good and bad inhabitants of the gut. Good gut bacteria provide digestion and resistance in our intestines and production of important vitamins such as Vitamin K. A sick, inflamed gut, or a gut with imbalance due to bad bacteria or parasites create low resistance. We feel weak, sick and often without energy. The production of vitamin K, for example, then also lags behind. Vitamin K, in turn, is important for a healthy cardiovascular system. Vitamin K keeps calcium from precipitating in the veins.

Thus we see that it is indeed true that “der Tod im Darm sitzt”!

The great thing is that to a large extent you can influence this yourself.

All you have to do is make healthy food and drink choices!

By the way, it is quite easy to chart the health status of the gut and see what the disruptive factors are if making better and healthy choices, and thus improving your lifestyle, do not appear to have sufficient impact.

Mapping your complaints and solving the problem
BodySwitch specializes in identifying and solving problems related to digestion.
If you want to know more, make an appointment.

Good luck and good health!


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.