BodySwitch Amsterdam West - Orthomolecular physician

Getting healthy and fit naturally. Do you want that too?

BodySwitch Amsterdam West

I am Sicco Weertman, orthomolecular physician. After an initial career of about 7 years in mainstream medicine, I continued to develop in integrative medicine. This really appealed to me because it allowed me to work on my patients’ health in an innovative, science-based way, tailored to the individual person. I have now been working from my own BodySwitch practice in Amsterdam West for over 5 years. There I have the opportunity to take a comprehensive look at my patients’ issues. I work with the patient to find the deeper causes and then formulate an individual treatment plan that fits this person exactly.

In this way, I have already been able to successfully help many people get rid of their complaints.

The underlying causes of most health problems can be traced to lifestyle and environmental factors. Therefore, health problems at BodySwitch are treated with integrative medicine and intensive lifestyle counseling. Thus, your health is optimized naturally, with specific attention to mindset, exercise, nutrition and nutritional supplementation.

My specific areas of interest are:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and complaints
  • Overweight & Obesity
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Depressive and anxiety symptoms
  • Rheumatic pathologies
  • Migraine
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (PDS) and related intestinal complaints
  • Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Eczema

Are you ready to take action and work on your health? I would love to help you get back to living a fit, energetic and healthy life!

Orthomolecular physician: Sicco Weertman

Initial career as a physician

My name is Sicco Weertman. I was born in 1981 and come from a caregiver family. My father worked passionately in youth services for many years and my mother is still a successful psychotherapist. When I went to college at 19, medicine was a logical choice. During my studies, however, I experienced a lack of depth in the underlying cause of diseases.


BodySwitch Amsterdam West

Ik ben Sicco Weertman, orthomoleculair arts. Na een initiële carrière van zo’n 7 jaar in de reguliere geneeskunde, heb ik mij verder ontwikkeld in de integrale geneeskunde. Dit sprak mij heel erg aan omdat ik hiermee op een innovatieve, wetenschappelijk onderbouwde manier, afgestemd op de individuele persoon, kon werken aan de gezondheid van mijn patiënten. Inmiddels werk ik alweer ruim 5 jaar vanuit mijn eigen BodySwitch praktijk in Amsterdam West. Daar heb ik de mogelijkheid om uitgebreid te kunnen kijken naar de problematiek van mijn patiënten. Ik ga samen met de patiënt op zoek naar de dieper liggende oorzaken en stel vervolgens een individueel behandelplan op, dat precies bij deze persoon past.Op die manier heb ik reeds vele mensen succesvol van hun klachten af kunnen helpen.De onderliggende oorzaken van de meeste gezondheidsproblemen zijn terug te voeren op leefstijl en omgevingsfactoren. Daarom worden gezondheidsproblemen bij BodySwitch behandeld met integrale geneeskunde en intensieve leefstijlbegeleiding. Zo wordt je gezondheid op een natuurlijke manier geoptimaliseerd, met specifieke aandacht voor mindset, beweging, voeding en voedingssuppletie.Mijn specifieke aandachtsgebieden zijn:
  • Chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom en -klachten
  • Overgewicht & Obesitas
  • Fibromyalgie
  • Hart- en vaatziekten
  • Depressieve en angstklachten
  • Reumatische ziektebeelden
  • Migraine
  • Prikkelbare Darm Syndroom (PDS) en aanverwante darmklachten
  • Ziekte van Crohn en Colitis Ulcerosa
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Eczeem
Ben je bereid om actie te ondernemen en aan de slag te gaan met je gezondheid? Ik help je graag om weer een fit, energiek en gezond leven te kunnen leiden!

Orthomoleculair arts: Sicco Weertman

Initiële carrière als arts
Mijn naam is Sicco Weertman. Ik ben geboren in 1981 en kom uit een hulpverleners-gezin. Mijn vader heeft jarenlang met veel passie in de jeugdhulpverlening gewerkt en mijn moeder is nog steeds succesvol psychotherapeut. Toen ik op mijn 19e ging studeren was geneeskunde een logische keuze. Tijdens mijn studie ervoer ik echter een gebrek aan verdieping in de achterliggende oorzaak van ziektes.

Opening Hours








10:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 18:00

12:00 - 20:00

10:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 18:00



Professional association

Member Number
1030 AL

BIG-Register Number

Rates BodySwitch Amsterdam-West

Use the link below to view the list of all current treatments and rates.


Customer testimonials

Read other people's experiences here.

We started our journey at the end of June last year. The goal of the course was to understand and then eliminate my mental and physical symptoms. In fact, I regularly felt gloomy and had fatigue and metabolic complaints. I am very satisfied with the result obtained in which I had not expected beforehand to have obtained such a nice result. I hereby thank you very much for the extremely expert guidance!

Anne Koelewijn

I have been helped tremendously by BodySwitch. I came to Dr. Sicco with extreme fatigue symptoms. Even though my son was 4.5 by then, I had never really felt like I was back to my old level in terms of energy after his birth. Just before the first lockdown I came to BodySwitch and I am extremely satisfied with the guidance and process. It was personal, yet also very matter-of-fact and above all effective, and I love that. Now a year later I can say that I have 100x more energy, that the process was very pleasant and that I am very happy that I took this step and made this investment in my health.

Tarieven BodySwitch Amsterdam-West


Short telephone consultation (15 minutes, including email afterward)

€ 34,50,-

Short telephone consultation (20 minutes, including email afterward)

€ 46,-

Intake standard (max. 1.5 hours)

€ 184,-

Intake long (complex problems) (max. 2 hours)

€ 241,50,-

Follow-up consultation short (30 minutes, including administration)

€ 69,-

Follow-up consultation standard (45 minutes, including administration)

€ 103,50,-

Follow-up consultation long (60 minutes, including administration)

€ 138,-

Blood sampling

€ 23,-

Personal plans

Preparation of general nutrition plan (15 minutes)

€ 40,-

Establishing lifestyle plan (30 minutes)

€ 46,-

Preparation of supplement plan (25 minutes)

€ 69,-

Preparation of treatment plan (40 minutes)

€ 92,-

Preparation of personal nutrition plan (55 minutes)

€ 126,50,-

*package price (treatment plan, lifestyle plan and supplementation plan): 33.50 euros discount

Interpretations and discussion of treatment plan

Interpretation control standard/short (10 minutes)

€ 20,-

Interpretation control complex (15 minutes)

€ 30,-

Discuss treatment plan briefly (results and supplements only; 60 minutes)

€ 125,-

Discuss treatment plan standard (90 minutes)

€ 172,50,-

Laboratory testing

Application, development and feedback surveys:

Interpretation consultation short (1 examination, e.g., TFT, 10 minutes)

€ 32,20,-

Interpretation consultation standard (intolerances, basic stools, hormone saliva, 20 minutes)

€ 57,50,-

Interpretation consultation complex/comprehensive (including blood, comprehensive bowel screening, urine, hair, 25 minutes)

€ 78,20,-

This does not include the cost of laboratory tests and supplements.

Rates as of January 1, 2020


  • If you have a supplementary health care policy, in most cases you are eligible for (partial) reimbursement of consultations. See below for more information under “Reimbursement. BodySwitch is not responsible for whether or not treatments are reimbursed.
  • As a client of BodySwitch, you get a discount on any needed nutritional supplements.
  • During each appointment you will be given an invoice to submit to your health insurance company.


Reimbursement from your health insurance

BodySwitch is affiliated with the MBOG (Society for the Advancement of Orthomolecular Medicine). The professional association monitors its members for adequate training and regular continuing education. Practice BodySwitch is registered as an official healthcare provider.

Treatments are covered by many supplementary insurance plans without a doctor’s referral letter. Whether you qualify for reimbursement and the amount of reimbursement depends on your health insurer and your health care policy. BodySwitch is not liable for reimbursement or non-reimbursement. So check your policy conditions carefully yourself.

During each appointment, you will be given an invoice to submit to your health insurance company. The invoice of an “Orthomolecular consultation” does not affect the deductible of the basic insurance.

Want to know if you qualify for reimbursement from your health insurance company? Then check out reimbursements orthomolecular medicine.


Do you have health issues? Then make an appointment with: BodySwitch Amsterdam-West!


BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.