
Obesity – overweight – losing weight

Weight management, losing and maintaining weight
Weight management means that you are able to stay at a healthy weight basically all the time without any problem. My goal is to coach you in such a way that you will be able to make the right choices every time. As a result, you won’t fall back into your old pattern.

Obesity does not occur suddenly. It is often a result of a long-term process such as improper diet and insufficient exercise. But other physical factors may also play a role. So first, together we will identify the cause as well as the possible health issues and risks that may already be affecting you. Then, together we draw up a plan that in most cases consists of exercise, nutrition and possibly specific nutritional supplements if complaints or physical factors are a factor. So a customized plan for you. As a result, results are guaranteed. Provided you comply, of course.

Losing weight (slimming), gaining weight and maintaining weight fall under the heading of weight management. After you have lost or gained weight, it is important that you also maintain your weight afterwards without falling back to the old weight. This is often the case when dieting is too strict and monotonous diets or diets of improper composition are followed. The more often one follows such diets the harder it will become to eventually stay at a healthy weight. Your body is then so-called “diet tired.” Your body will start retaining more and more fat. It is best to avoid such a situation. People who often diet will also be familiar with the so-called yo-yo effect. You usually end up back at the same weight you started at before you started dieting. Very often even extra pounds are added. A diet can never be maintained for long. It is important to make sure that you have the tools to learn a good diet that suits you and is also sustainable for the rest of your life. That way, you also won’t fall back into the old pattern that caused the problems. Sports and exercise are at least as important as proper nutrition.

Weight management prevents obesity and Type II diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus Type II results from being overweight and eating too many refined sugars and products (white sugar, cookies, candy and pastries, white flour products), saturated fat and trans fatty acids (hydrogenated fat in cookies, candy, pastries and fried foods such as French fries and snacks).

There are approximately 850,000 – 1,000,000 people (registered) with Diabetes Mellitus type II (age-related diabetes). In addition, it has been estimated that there is about the same number who are pre-diabetic (say a stone’s throw away from Diabetes Mellitus Type II) and the same number who are towards pre-diabetes. If we add that up, we quickly arrive at about 2.5 million people whose sugar metabolism is broken. Did you know that being overweight poses major health risks? Obesity is a precursor to diabetes which in turn causes cancer, cardiovascular disease and so on.

The Dutch Food Consumption Survey 2007-2010 was released in early October 2011. The conclusions are not too good: we are still not eating enough vegetables, fruits, fiber, fish and large parts of the population are not getting enough vitamins and minerals. However, we do eat too much saturated fat. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the problem of obesity is growing: 37% of the 19-30 age group, 55% of 31-50 year olds and 64.5% of 51-69 year olds are overweight! And 1/3 of these percentages involve obesity. So we are eating poorly, getting fatter and fatter, and not doing enough weight management. While food intake is a primal mechanism for survival, Western man has managed to make it a potential cause of death over the past century. Weight management is the solution to the ever-growing problem of obesity and type II diabetes in our society.

Do you belong to the high-risk group?
You can very easily calculate and check your BMI by checking the table below to see if you belong to the risk group.

BMI (kg/m2) Classification Health risk cardiovascular disease/diabetes )*
<18,5 underweight low (but increased risk of other conditions)
18,5-24,9 normal weight average / normal
25-29,9 overweight increased
30 and above obesity markedly increased

This risk depends in part on other factors

Waist circumference (in cm) Review Opinion
Men Women
<94 <80 no increased risk try to put on weight
94-102 80-88 No increased risk yet, but the danger zone is coming into view maintain your weight or lose a little weight
102 and above 88 and above increased risk try to lose weight

Risk of disease increases with obesity
The risk of disease increases as one gets heavier and fatter. From a BMI of 25 to 30, the odds increase significantly and you can develop many conditions. It is not that if you have a BMI of 25 to 30 that you will get any of these conditions but the likelihood of it is considerably high! In addition, your waist circumference says a lot about the risks of getting the conditions listed below.

Increased blood pressure: Blood pressure rises directly proportional to increase in weight. The higher the weight the more likely you are to have or develop high blood pressure. High blood pressure can sometimes drop quickly if a lot of weight is lost.

Increased cholesterol: The increase of fatty acids in the bloodstream creates an unfavorable composition of the blood that can cause you many vascular problems.

Heart attack: The risk of coronary artery stenosis and myocardial infarction is significantly higher than in people without obesity. This is mainly due to increased blood fats and high blood pressure.

Psychological consequences: Psychological consequences may include decreased self-esteem, negative self-image, stress, depressive episodes and eating disorders.

Stress – incontinence: Loss of urine due to being under pressure at certain times such as: sneezing, jumping, laughing, etc. This may eventually lead to surgical intervention if the excess weight does not decrease.

Stroke (CVA): The risk of stroke is very high this is mainly due to high blood pressure and increased risk of thrombosis. Overweight people are also more likely to have more difficulty rehabilitating after a stroke.

Cancer: There is evidence that post-menopausal breast cancer, uterine cancer and colon cancer are more common in overweight people.

Shortness of breath, asthma and pulmonary emphysema are more common in overweight people. Especially in combination with smoking and obesity, the risk of loss of lung function is very high.

Sleep apnea syndrome, where due to very heavy snoring people have periods at night when breathing stops for a while, this is especially common in overweight men.

Hormonal disorders: Menstrual disorders as well as unwanted infertility. This occurs because the adipose tissue provides its own production of estrogens. As a result, pregnancy is often not possible in overweight women.

Disorders of movement mechanics: One of the first signs of obesity are arthritis, back and neck pain, foot, knee and hip pain. People do not get sore feet, knees and ankles because there is nothing yet to be found by the doctor. The only thing that helps against the above symptoms is losing weight. If this is not done, your cartilage and joints can suffer from “wear and tear” symptoms in the long run.

Reduced work ability and social isolation: When applying for jobs, they are more likely to hire someone slimmer. Problems with public or private transportation. And it can sometimes be very difficult to go to theaters, cinemas, restaurants and visit family. Also, you often cannot participate in sports and certain activities.

Disability: Certain physical effects of Obesity and being overweight can lead to premature disability and lower income. Many people who are way too fat end up in a downward spiral at some point. Being overweight means they can move less and are more likely to have joint, respiratory, fluid and urinary retention problems. These conditions cause them to move even less which will eventually put them in wheelchairs.

Age-related diabetes: This is also called the type II diabetes or the non-insulin-dependent diabetes “mellitus.” All over the world the number of men with mellitus is increasing rapidly this is due to the obesity problem. 60% to 70% of people with mellitus could be helped if obesity could be permanently controlled.

Losing weight … and then? Lasting results.
Overweight people rarely manage to permanently get rid of their excess weight on their own. One of the main reasons is that people especially want to lose weight fast, and are only too happy to believe in the promise of yet another revolutionary miracle diet being marketed. And that now not 10, but as much as 20 pounds of weight loss within two months is in the offing. Unfortunately…. Miracles do not exist and diets always work only for a certain duration.

Often people suddenly lose a lot of weight by almost starving themselves. This is a danger to the body and not a responsible way of weight management. Burning will be at a low ebb (the body’s savings mode) and when you stop the diet you often end up many pounds heavier than you started. In the long run, losing weight will get worse and worse.

Good and lasting results can only be achieved by adjusting your diet and lifestyle, such as exercise. I guide you through this step by step so you learn to make the right choices, and show you that eating healthy can just be delicious and fun. Before you start thinking you’re going hungry, I’ll quickly help you get rid of that idea. There will be no feeling of hunger. You can continue to eat as normal, and you may actually need to eat more than you do now.

Towards a healthier, slimmer and more vital body
Clear away excess ballast and enjoy lasting results. Do you actually know how much and what you should eat daily to stay healthy and at weight? If you know what you are eating, you will never have to diet again! We have often become accustomed to a certain pattern of living, eating and thinking. Usually this has unconsciously put us in the situation we find ourselves in then. This can mean something different for everyone. Some may be struggling with obesity, others may have fat storage in the so-called “wrong places,” yet others may be dealing with vitality complaints such as fatigue and low energy or just not feeling good about themselves. All good reasons to do something about it. But how do you do that? Where should you start now? And how do you ensure lasting long-term results? Logical questions. I will help you with that. It is not difficult, it is a matter of knowing.

Starting weight management?
Happy to help you achieve your goal. Perhaps you have already made one or more attempts on your own without the desired results. Then let this be the last time you try. Together, we are definitely going to make it. I imagine you have questions or perhaps just want to get started. Then let’s get acquainted. You can then ask your questions. I will tell you what to expect and what my process is. If you decide to start, the most important thing is that we work together to achieve your goal.

In practically all cases, the weight management program is (partially) reimbursed by your health insurance company. My practice is affiliated with the MBOG, Society for the Advancement of Orthomolecular Medicine.

Why wait or delay? Make an appointment. What is holding you back?


Need help with health problems?

BodySwitch is a network of collaborating orthomolecular therapists and doctors. Our team specializes in treating many health problems and complaints in a natural way, including chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, intestinal complaints, dementia, fibromyalgia, fatigue complaints and so on.

We have developed an approach to treat complaints from the cause through lifestyle interventions, supplementation and healthy nutrition. Our specialists may also be able to help you get rid of your complaints. Do you want to know how? Click on the button below for more information about our working method and treatments.

You can also request a 15-minute consultation for free and without obligation.

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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.