
Red cabbage

Red cabbage is an almost forgotten vegetable. At least most know it from a jar with (lots of sugar) often added in it for preservation. Even the color is often not even real. Just make the fresh red cabbage as mentioned below. Then you’ll see the difference and taste it!

Cabbages are plentiful again in winter. It is nutritious, delicious and healthy and affordable too. Have you ever seen that beautiful fresh red cabbage? That beautiful red ball is just one pure inspiration, at least if you want it to be. Experience the difference between fresh or what the manufacturers put in a jar. If you like yummy go for the real, fresh red cabbage!

Red cabbage belongs to the closing cabbages. The word says it all, the closed coals. Green cabbage is open, red and white cabbages are closed, just like Brussels sprouts, for example. Then again, you may not care too much about which family red cabbage belongs to, but what can you do with it?

Well, enough actually. In fact, red cabbage can be cooked in a variety of ways and in addition, red cabbage is a wonderful product to add color to your dishes. Cooking red cabbage is done (if you cut it very finely) in 8 minutes. Cut a little coarser and you need 12 minutes. Is that all? Yes, but read ff further anyway. Because cabbage can also be baked or braised. Even in the microwave (not my favorite) you can cook red cabbage. And cabbage can be pickled to serve with a nice piece of game or made into a salad.

To make you feel extra good, we also want to tell you that 100 grams of red cabbage contains a whopping 60 milligrams of vitamin C. In addition, cabbage also contains calcium and protein. Fabrics we desperately need in winter.

We often call red cabbage winter vegetables. But red cabbage is available year-round. Starting in mid-June, the very earliest red cabbage is harvested. Harvesting continues until the end of October. And especially the latter, later harvest, is suitable for storage. And so you can eat red cabbage all year long. We don’t need a cannery manufacturer for that, do we?

If you have too much of a whole red cabbage at once, you can save the rest just fine. You get to choose. Cut the cabbage in half. Use one half and place the other half, with a foil over the cut surface, in the refrigerator. Or, you cook the chopped cabbage briefly (blanching) 1 1/2 minutes is enough. And you can then freeze these. Be careful not to let these thaw before using the cabbage.

A word about cooking. Don’t overcook. Then you cook out the vitamin and the color is lost. To keep the color nice, you can add some lemon juice or vinegar to the cooking water. Your cabbage then remains really red.

Below is a recipe with apple and cinnamon:

* 800 grams of finely chopped red cabbage * 2 golden rinds * 1 generous tablespoon of cinnamon * 50 grams of creamed butter (or some olive oil) * 1 large onion, chopped * 150 ml. freshly squeezed orange juice (squeeze it yourself) * 2 cloves * 2 bay leaves

Peel the goldenrons and cut them into small cubes. Melt half of the butter in a large skillet and sauté the onion and apple in it for about 5 minutes. Spoon in the red cabbage and add the fresh orange juice, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and bay leaf and simmer in a closed a pan for half an hour on low heat. Stir occasionally. Remove the cloves and bay leaf and stir a knob of butter into the cabbage.

Enjoy your meal!


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