Sugar, Protein, Fats, Hormones: What a genius body I have!


Yes yes, of course you thought I was going to talk about my body now! Hmm, well more or less yes, because if all goes well, the basic principle works the same for everyone. So not a personal story, but a story about sugar, fats, proteins, insulin, glucagon, gluconeogenesis and so on. Are you still following it?

Many people think they still need sugar from their diet. But DID YOU KNOW YOU NEED NO SUGAR AT ALL FROM YOUR FOOD? And that your body is entirely capable of making sugar (glucose) on its own from proteins and fats, for example? Pretty convenient that we are designed that way because that way you “keep doing it forever.” A genius design actually that functions well when your body functions well. But how does it work?

Normally when you eat sugar or starch you make insulin and insulin is a growth factor (potential additional risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer etc). Insulin should lower your blood sugar but stores sugars in the form of body fat and fat in the liver and muscles. For more difficult times say. Due to excess in our society of starches and sugars and lack of exercise, our mechanism becomes defective, causing the islets of langerhans in your pancreas to commit suicide because they have to be continuously but in production mode. The defect can also occur due to chronic inflammation in the body which can also cause the Pancreas to become inflamed (pancreatitis) resulting in dysfunction of the Pancreas (pancreas). In addition, we no longer have times of food scarcity that result in little or no mobilization of fat reserves, resulting in liver fatty degeneration and excessive fat storage.

Fewer sugars and carbohydrates, more exercise and periodic fasting will make you fitter, healthier and less likely to suffer from #WELFARE DISEASES such as #OVERGE, #DIABETES, #HART_EN_VAAT_ DISEASES, #CANCER. Sounds simpler said than done in our society.

Keto lifestyle or Paleo seems more in line with the design of our bodies by the creator or Mother Nature. “But don’t I need sugar?” I always hear then. Ehhh yes, more or less so. But you can also get energy from ketones (reserve fuel) or your body produces its own glucose through the AGAINSTHANGER of #INSULINE, the hormone #GLUCAGON, which causes a process called #GLUCONEOGENESE. Your body then makes its own glucose from EYWHEAT and FAT (hey, that’s Keto and Paleo, right? Yes, that’s right!).

Your body may sometimes need some time to re-adjust and switch. But no worries, your body is made for this. So reduce carbs, intake of more and better fats like olive oil, fish, nuts, seeds and exercise more.

For that matter, leave grains such as wheat, barley, spelt, rye and dairy (i.e., MILK and EVERYTHING made from MILK) off as well. These are also pro-inflammatory foods, that is, they cause inflammation. Inflammation results in the production of Cortisol and Adrenaline, which in turn drives up your insulin!

So eat a lot of anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices such as ginger and turmeric and eat unprocessed fresh products such as nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, protein-rich food sources such as fish, poultry, egg and your body will like this.

Be sure to eat organic. The use of pesticides and fungicides is absurd today. So anything you don’t put into your body as poison doesn’t tax your body either!

If the adjustments don’t feel right for whatever reason or you get (or keep) stomach (intestines, stomach) problems or you get other reactions, there could always be other reactions involved such as #DISRUPTION in the #DARMFLORA allowing again #DIGESTIONPROBLEMS may occur or there may be #FOOD INTOLERANCES playing along which keeps you muddling along.

If for any reason you still get stuck and can’t figure it out yourself, feel free to make an appointment at my practice! Then I’ll help you get back on track. We can then use stool and blood tests, for example, to determine if there are any disturbances, and if so, which ones. So then you can take much more focused steps towards your optimal health, reducing any symptoms and having even more fun in life!

If so, please contact my practice:
Frank Jonkers
BodySwitch Heemskerk
0251 – 234 000

Website of my practice (BodySwitch Heemskerk):

Already I have helped more than 1,000 people improve their optimal health!
I once weighed 135 pounds, had incipient diabetes, cardiovascular problems. That is now history and I feel fitter and more vital than ever and weigh about 40 pounds less! And…… IF I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU!

By now I have accumulated 16 years of knowledge that you can have at your disposal at once!

I wish you a very beautiful, fit, healthy, and happy summer!

Frank Jonkers


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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.