Hormonal imbalance testing?

Getting healthy and fit naturally. Do you want that too?

Are your hormones out of balance?

Do you feel like your hormones are out of balance? There is definitely a chance that you have problems with your hormones. In fact, hormonal imbalance is common.

Especially for this reason, in collaboration with Petra de Ryck, our hormone specialist in Amsterdam, we have created a hormone test to find out if your hormones are in imbalance. The results of the test will give you insight into any hormone problems.

You will receive the results of the test by e-mail within 48 hours. Click the button below to take the test!

How does the hormone test work?

Hormonal imbalance testing? BodySwitch’ s free hormone test consists of an online questionnaire, an analysis by our hormone specialist and a results report.

Our hormone test is aimed at finding out if you have symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. Simply put, you indicate what is bothering you and we map out the rest for you.

Our hormone check consists of 9 parts and takes no more than a few minutes. After completing the test, one of our specialists is going to analyze the answers you filled out. We then send the results including a personalized recommendation report to the email address you provide.

The test is completely free.


Why test hormonal imbalance?

Why test hormonal imbalance? Problems with your hormones can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as mood swings, having little appetite, lots of stress, as well as pain in your joints, fatigue and obesity.

Hormonal complaints can fortunately be treated naturally. Especially when you get there early. The first step to finding out if you have hormone problems is to take our hormone test.

Through our test you will find out if your hormones are healthy or not. If the outcome is negative, our specialist will indicate what you can do to restore balance to your hormones.

Either way, at BodySwitch you are in good hands!

What is a hormonal imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance is when your body produces too much or too little of certain hormones, resulting, for example, in your feeling uncomfortable, mood swings, low appetite or, for example, experiencing a lot of stress.

As you have read earlier, there are a variety of hormonal complaints and, fortunately, most hormonal problems can be treated effectively.

At BodySwitch there is always a specialist who can help you further. BodySwitch consists of a team of specialists who support each other to help you get rid of your symptoms.

That is the power of BodySwitch! Want to know more about our hormone treatment? Then click on the link below.

More on hormonal complaints

“I eat healthy, sleep well and exercise quite a lot. Still, I hadn’t felt fit for years. I was also suffering from a lot of complaints such as headaches and skin problems. Since my treatment program at BodySwitch, I know that my hormones were out of balance. I gained insight into what nutritional deficiencies I had and how I can keep my hormones in balance. I feel fit and energetic again and am rid of my health issues. What enjoyment that is!”

Margot (treated for hormonal complaints)


BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.

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