Steffen van Heyningen - Orthomolecular Therapist & Lung COVID Specialist

About Steffen van Heyningen

"Doing things differently from mainstream care: addressing the cause of health issues instead of treating symptoms. Helping my clients really move forward, that's what I like to do."

My name is Steffen van Heyningen. From my practice
BodySwitch Haaglanden
helped by my work experience and knowledge, I counsel clients with both short-term and chronic health issues, such as gastrointestinal issues, mental illness and

My interest in health care and passion to get and keep the body healthy combined with the belief that there is more to be gained than the current health care offerings, led me to broaden my knowledge with insights from orthomolecular medicine.

Below I like to tell more about myself.

Reduce or remedy psychological complaints with orthomolecular therapy

Before I started for myself as an orthomolecular therapist, I worked as a nurse within psychiatry (where I am still employed on a part-time basis).

I have gained experience in the mental health field working with clients diagnosed with conditions such as; AD(H)D, depression, autism, anxiety issues, etc.

As far as I am concerned, medication is not the only solution to mental illness. Many people with mental health issues are prescribed medications on a daily basis, when there is much to be gained with dietary adjustments, use of supplements and healthy lifestyle.

What I have seen in practice, with clients who were willing to make lifestyle changes, is a positive turnaround in their health. Both in physical and mental health.

This is why I am a firm believer in a comprehensive or holistic approach.

Living with irritable bowel syndrome (PDS)?

I have suffered from my intestines for years. Most likely stemmed from reasonable antibiotic use in the past and one-sided nutrition.

After visiting several doctors and specialists, and no clear cause could be found, the diagnosis of
Irritable bowel syndrome
was made. According to the doctors, there was little that could be done about PDS and I had to learn to live with the symptoms. Unfortunately, this is the answer to many medical conditions.

During my training as an orthomolecular therapist, I discovered that there are ways to address the cause of PDS!

I had several tests done (including food intolerance test and stool test). I started working with the results, and since I have been adhering to certain dietary guidelines, I have been symptom-free.

My own experience, supplemented by the knowledge from my orthomolecular studies, has convinced me that there are more gains to be made in the way chronic health conditions are addressed.

Orthomolecular therapist, in the area of Zoetermeer, Leidschendam-Voorburg and Pijnacker-Nootdorp

I like to use my knowledge and experience for people with short-term and chronic health problems: especially for people who have stagnated within the regular health care system and in which the cause of the problem has not been addressed, but rather symptom control.

Therefore, the result of addressing persistent health complaints in mainstream care is often not a sustainable improvement!

While that is possible.

Orthomolecular science combines insights from nutrition with molecular biology and biochemistry. Through certain laboratory tests, among other things, I can analyze where in the body processes are not running optimally, and thus also identify the cause of complaints.

I enthusiastically work as an orthomolecular therapist from my practice in Nootdorp to help as many people as possible. I believe in a comprehensive approach to health issues.

The body is made in such a way that it is able to resolve many complaints on its own. By employing the proper treatment of healthy diet, exercise, relaxation and the use of supplements, this process can be accelerated. Gladly, as an orthomolecular therapist, I contribute to this process.

In my work, I find it important to be service-oriented and to put the client’s (you) request for help first.

This is how I help you move forward.

I am part of BodySwitch with my practice. This is the national association of highly trained orthomolecular physicians and therapists. It is nice that I can transfer my experience and knowledge to my colleagues, and am assured that I am surrounded by a network of experts for all questions. This allows me to ensure a high quality of care for each of my clients.

My mission

Doing things differently from mainstream care and addressing the cause of your health issues, rather than symptom relief. That’s my mission. I want clients to understand that disorders in both physical and mental areas can be remedied through proper treatment.

Specialist in Long COVID

I became infected with COVID in early 2022, from which I still had symptoms after several months. Because some of these symptoms were affecting my daily functioning, I started looking into Pulmonary CVD. I used orthomolecular therapy to feel healthy and vital again. I can help you with this as well.

  • Find out the cause of your symptoms
  • Get a personalized plan to address your symptoms
  • Step by step, feel the same as before your symptoms (or even better)
  • Deal with pulmonaryOVID symptoms

I want to help people live healthy lives!
Strengthened by my own experience, I currently focus particularly on clients with pulmonary CVD symptoms and other conditions where the immune system is weakened.

I also counsel clients with various mental illnesses.

Would you also like to know more? Then sign up for a free consultation!

Do you have (persistent) health issues that you would like to be helped with? My mission is to help you get rid of your symptoms and make sure you become healthy and fit. Please feel free to contact us so we can explore together how to address your symptoms.

Click on the link below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.


BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.