Fibromyalgia, what causes it and how do you fix it?

The literal translation of fibromyalgia (FM) is “pain in connective tissue and muscles. Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome associated with multiple highly obstructive symptoms. The main complaints are extreme fatigue or exhaustion, depression(88%), intestinal complaints (83%), morning stiffness (82%) sleep disorders (80%) and chronic headaches (60%). In addition, allergies and concentration and memory disorders are also common. These symptoms often leave people with fibromyalgia unable to participate in society in a normal way.

A profound condition

Fibromyalgia is a so-called
autoimmune disease
and usually drastic condition in which you often also have to deal with (sometimes severe) muscle pain (on a daily basis). No cause can usually be identified through the regular route. In the Netherlands, tens of thousands of people suffer to a greater or lesser extent from this syndrome. An additional problem for people with fibromyalgia is that this condition is very difficult to define in “mainstream” medicine. The clinical picture is often denied by the general practitioner, specialist and the company doctor because of normal results from blood tests and the patient’s usually healthy appearance. As a result, even the immediate environment of friends and family and the employer often do not take the complaints seriously.

Customized treatment plan

Yet there are always identifiable causes that cause you to have the symptoms. The trick is to identify these causes, which can often be different. For this, we use specialized lab tests aimed at finding out the causes. In fact, the pain does not have to be in the spot where the problem originated. Disruption in the mitochondria (mitochondrial dysfunction) is the cause. Based on the studies, we can see what the disruptive factors are. This could be nutrition (improper diet causing inflammation), nutritional deficiencies. Consider vitamins and minerals. But also toxic load. Once you know what the disruptive factors are, we can create a customized plan which is aimed at restoring the processes as much as possible that will eventually reduce or even stop the symptoms. So everything is based on facts. Previously, I also wrote to article on, “Most chronic complaints originate from your gut!”

When the pain and symptoms do not go away and have become chronic

Everyone experiences muscle pain and other complaints from time to time . If you’ve been exercising intensely or sleeping the wrong way overnight, your muscles may begin to complain. Every movement you then make that requires that muscle, another shot of pain goes through your body. Some people struggle only with chronic muscle pain or other chronic pains. Sometimes multiple pains or symptoms play out at the same time, as mentioned at the beginning of the article. If pain is permanent (chronic), then something is structurally wrong underwater. Most people also experience abdominal discomfort to varying degrees. And that is usually the root of the problem. As indicated earlier, most complaints originate in the intestines. That is almost always where the key to finding the causes lies.

A painkiller will not solve the problem

Once you visit the doctor alone for these symptoms, you’ll soon be back home with a painkiller. Indeed, a characteristic of fibromyalgia is that it is regularly difficult to determine a physical cause of the pain found. Therefore, it often happens that people with fibromyalgia are poorly helped with their symptoms. You often look healthy and physically the cause cannot be found. The conclusion is: you are healthy, you can go home again. This will only keep you walking around with your symptoms for a long time, which is usually unnecessary.

Looking for the cause is the start of improvement/healing

The trick is to identify the causes. Frank Jonkers, a specialist at BodySwitch Heemskerk, uses specialized lab tests (usually stool and blood) to determine the causes. This research goes many, many times beyond what is regularly looked at.

BodySwitch Heemskerk: total approach focusing on causes

Do you have fibromyalgia or chronic symptoms as mentioned in this article? Or has a so-called autoimmune disease been diagnosed? Medication will suppress the symptoms but will not eliminate the ultimate problem. Frank Jonkers is a specialist at BodySwitchHeemskerk and specializes in chronic syndromes and autoimmune diseases. We identify the triggering factors that lead to the syndrome as best we can in order to then treat it in a targeted manner. We do this in a healthy and natural way that focuses on restoring your body. Contact us to discuss the possibilities. Under the guidance of specialist Frank Jonkers, a personal plan of action is drawn up. With a complete personalized plan, (chronic) symptoms will diminish or disappear completely. This is possible because of the complete diagnostics and personalized treatment plan based on facts and evidence. So you too will make the Switch to a stronger and healthier body! See you in my practice in Heemskerk?

Want to know more? Feel free to call Frank Jonkers, specialist at BodySwitch Heemskerk: 0251 – 234 000

A very good health to you!





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      BodySwitch is a lifestyle medicine organization.